Two weeks ago, this is what Logan's ear looked like:

Obviously I am referring to his right ear. That is just wrong isn't it?!
I didn't take him to the doctor...this time. You see, this has happened twice Matthew. The first time Matthew's ear swelled up to elephantine proportions--three times its normal size and reddish-purple in color-- I took him to the pediatrician. The doctor took one look at his ear and sent the nurse in with a syringe full of heavy-duty antibiotics. He said, "It is a good thing you brought him in. We wouldn't want the infection to spread to his brain." Comforting thought, that.
The second time Matthew's ear swelled up, probably due to a bug bite, the thought crossed my mind, "Maybe I should try some benadryl." I gave him the proper dose and sure enough, the swelling went down! I was thankful to avoid another whopping dose of antibiotics for Matthew.
Logan's ear actually did not look quite as awful as Matthew's, but I did secretly worry that it would get stretched out permanently. I gave Logan some benadryl as well while hoping that the medication would not wire him. (I gave Evan benadryl as a toddler which made him run around the house crying inconsolably. He hid in a closet rather than let me comfort him ~ not a performance I wanted to repeat.) Logan's ear did not improve as quickly as Matthew's had, but it did gradually get back to normal. Whew!