Tuesday, March 16, 2004

New to Blogging...

Saying that I'm new to blogging is probably obvious from the stark appearance of the site. If any of you visiting are more computer savvy and desire to share advice on how to add color and graphics, I'm all ears, or eyes, I guess.

As I learn more, I'll post more lists pertaining to our family's venture in homeschooling.

The title, "Our Side of the Mountain", is derived from one of my oldest son's favorite books: My Side of the Mountain. By the way, a favorite book that he recently read was Journey From Peppermint Street by Meinert DeJong. I myself couldn't put it down. The author gives one a poignant view into the inner thoughts of a young boy: his dreams, fears, joys and perspective on adults as he embarks on a delightful adventure.

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