Saturday, January 26, 2008

I've Been Tagged

Dawn at Picking up Pebbles tagged me to do a meme. I like this kind of meme where I don't have to ponder what to say about myself. He he.

Book Meme:

Rules -
  1. Pick up the nearest book (of at least 123 pages.)
  2. Open the book to page 123.
  3. Find the fifth sentence.
  4. Post the next three sentences.
  5. Tag five people.

I am sitting near a bookcase and my glance has fallen on a book that Sophie just read again: The Wheel on the School by Meindert DeJong.

"You'll see. You'll see. I..."

Ha ha ha ha ha! Don't you want to read that book now?!

Now, I'm not sure if "I..." counts as a sentence. Just in case, I'll include the next sentence:

Suddenly he was staring up into the sky.

Whet your appetite a little more? You will just have to read that book to find out what he was staring at... and to find out who "he" is. Seriously, though, any book by Meindert DeJong is worth reading. He understands how children think. In his book Journey from Peppermint Street, he poignantly portrays the thoughts and fears of a young boy. When I read it, I remembered feeling and fearing so deeply as a young child, even though as an adult my thinking has mellowed.

I am tagging:


Julie said...

i did it - check out the new post. =)

mere said...

Okay. You want to know what is really weird? I just read the first sentence of the rules..."Pick up the nearest book"

Sitting nonchalantly in front of me is a book. Wonderful! I don't even have to get up!

Then I read what your book is.

Sitting right in front of me is the very same book!

We read it earlier this year, and we loved it. Yes, DeJong really does understand children, doesn't he?

I'll go with the next nearest book, if that's okay with you!


Meliss said...

Hi Mere

That is so funny that you picked up the same book!!!

Sure it is okay with me if you want to do the next nearest book! :)

my5wolfcubs said...

That is one of my favorite books! And the only one by DeJong I've read, I'll have to check the library!